C-Wing, 809-811, Manubhai Tower, Sayajigunj, Vadodara

Canada Visa

Short Term Work Permit Exemption

Last updated: 16 October 2020

Under the Global Skills Strategy (GSS), there are two categories of individuals who may enter Canada to perform work without requiring a work permit.

While a work permit is not needed under Global Skills Strategy, applicants must apply for a Temporary Resident Visa (TRV) or an electronic Travel Authorization (eTA), if applicable.


To qualify for the work permit exemption, Researches must demonstrate:

  • They will be working in Canada for one period of 120 days every 12 months; and
  • They will be performing research at a Canadian, publicly funded, degree-granting institution or its affiliated research institution.

Highly Skilled Workers

To qualify for the work permit exemption, Highly Skilled Workers must demonstrate:

  • They will be working in a position that is considered skill type 0 (executive, managerial) or skill level A (professional) in the National Occupational Classification (NOC); and
  • They will be working in Canada for one of the following periods of time:
    • Up to 15 consecutive days once every 6 months; or
    • Up to 30 consecutive days once every 12 months.

Workers who have been granted entry under the Global Skills Strategy must stop working once the exemption ends. They must wait until they are eligible for another exemption under this category, or they may choose to apply for a work permit.

To learn more about your options to work in Canada, please contact the CanadaVisa work permit team at wp@canadavisa.com.