C-Wing, 809-811, Manubhai Tower, Sayajigunj, Vadodara

Denmark Visa

Denmark Occupation List

The Denmark Occupation List  consists of all the occupations that have the shortage of skilled workers in the country. This list is designed in order to attract the overseas Immigrants who are talented and can contribute well to the Denmark status across the globe. It is also known as Denmark Positive List.

Danish Land is one of the sustainable and socially developed lands in the world. From less unemployment rate to the high GDP, Denmark has left its mark all over the world. if you wish to get residency in Denmark, you need to have Green card. Denmark Government has processed Green Card Scheme which is a way to get a residency in Denmark by getting the Green card. It is a point-based system and candidates have to go through the different components in order to be eligible.

Factors that play an important role in Danish Green Card:

a) Work experience

b) Qualification

c) Language Proficiency

d) Skill Proficiency

Candidates who wish to live and work in Denmark can apply under this scheme. You can live and work for the period of two years but you are eligible to extend your stay for 3 years. If your occupation is available in the Denmark Occupation list and you  have required work experience in that field, then you might be eligible to work in Denmark.

The Denmark Positive Occupation List is given below:


Job Title Requirements
Mechanical Engineer Bachelor’s degree
Building Engineer Bachelor’s degree
Environmental Engineer Bachelor’s degree
Energy Engineer Bachelor’s degree
Electrical Engineer Bachelor’s degree
IT Engineer Bachelor’s degree


Job Title Requirements
Medical Consultant Master’s degree*
Medical Doctor Master’s degree*
Hospital Doctor Master’s degree*
Consultant Doctor/Chief Physician Master’s degree*
Dentist Master’s degree*
Surgical Nurse Bachelor’s degree*
Anaesthetic Nurse Bachelor’s degree*
General Nurse Bachelor’s degree*
Radiographer Bachelor’s degree*
Medical Laboratory Technologist Bachelor’s degree*

IT and Networking

Job Title Requirements
IT Architect At least three years’ IT education
Programmer and System Developer At least three years’ IT education
IT Consultant At least three years’ IT education


Job Title Requirements
Primary and lower Secondary school teacher Bachelor’s degree*
Pedagogue Bachelor’s degree
Social Pedagogue Bachelor’s degree


Job Title Requirements
Land Surveyor Master’s degree*
Pharmacist Master’s degree*
Pharmacologist Master’s degree
Auditor Master’s degree
Business Controller At least three years’ education at university level or business school level
Financial Controller At least three years’ education at university level or business school level
Business Analyst At least three years’ education at university level or business school level
Attorney Danish Bachelor’s and Master’s degree*
Legal Counsellor Master’s degree
Psychologist Master’s degree*

For availing more information about Denmark Immigration, call on the Official helpline +91-7042184185/ Email your queries on info@makevisas.com . Make Visas beholds thousands of satisfied clients all around the world, associate with us to become one of them and begin an aspiring journey.