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USA Visa

US Family Preference Visa – F1, F2 & F3

F1, F2, and F3 visa holders can enter the USA to live with their distant family members who are either the US citizens or Lawful Permanent Residents (LPRs). These visas are categorized according to a particular relationship and limited in numbers each year. Unlimited visas are issued to immediate relatives of US citizens annually. But, when it comes to the distant relative, the number is fixed and is dependent on the types of mentioned relationships. Congress limits the number of these types, and only a set number of family preference visas are issued every year.

If you are planning to get a family preference visa under any of its categories, it’s wise to remain in touch with a proficient immigration expert to avoid the possibility of your rejection for the visa. USA immigration System comprises many tight policies and rules, so even a minor mistake can be a big reason for your dream shattering. Apart from that, you feel much more secure when someone is behind you to assist you and help you increase the chances of being approved for a USA visa.

The Following Relationships Are Eligible For Family Preference Visas

The relationship determines the kind of visa is issued, and each visa has a limited quota each year, which is also given below:

  1. F1 visa: Unmarried daughters and sons of a US citizen and their minor children are eligible for an F1 visa. (23,400)
  2. F2 visa: Spouse, minor children, and unmarried daughters and sons whose age is 21 or above of Lawful Permanent Residents. Minimum 70% of all visas provided for this category get to spouses and children, and the remaining ones are issued to unmarried daughters and sons are eligible for an F2 visa. (114,200)
  3. F3 visa: Married daughters and sons of a citizen of the US, and their minor children and spouses are eligible for an F3 visa. (23,400)
  4. F4 Visa: Sisters and brothers of a US citizen, and their minor children and spouses, on the condition that the US citizen’s minimum age is 21. (65,000)

To be kept in mind: A grandparent, uncle, aunt, cousin, and in-laws can’t sponsor their relative for immigration.

Family Preference Visa Eligibility

To be eligible for a family preference visa, the candidate has to be relative of either a US citizen or LPR and has to either spouse or minor child. As mentioned above, a family preference visa can’t be issued for a grandparent, aunt, uncle, cousin, and in-laws. In case of the candidates’ number for a specific category crossing the limited quota, an immigration wait takes place. The issuance of the preference visas is dependent on when the visa was filed and the priority date. Before an applicant’ priority date, a visa can’t be given. In a nutshell, a candidate might need to wait for a very long time to get a family preference visa.

Family Preference Visa Application

A relative has to file a petition for an alien relative, Form I-130 to the US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), the Department of Homeland Security. The US citizen who is filing needs to be 21 or above when they file for a parent or sibling, and if filing for anyone else, age is not restricted. Those who are LPRs (lawful permanent residents) are required to be 18 and have residence in the US before signing an Affidavit of Support, Form I-864 or I-864 EZ.

On receiving an approval from the USCIS, the petition is sent to the National Visa Centre where it is given a case number. When the priority date comes up, the Form DS-261 is told to be completed. After this, fees are paid and required visa documents with Affidavit of Support, civil documents, application forms, and so on are submitted.

For availing more information about the F1, F2, or F3 Visa for the USA immigration, contact the our’s immigration experts team corporate hotline +91-7042 184 185 / email your queries on info@makevisas.com. You can directly walk-in to our nearby office for more details and enquiry.

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I would really appreciate whole team of make visa for the efforts they did for my visa. I was the one skeptical and under-confident of whether I would get the visa or not. But they were very optimistic about the same and finally I got my US visa. Really thanks from bottom of my heart.
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