C-Wing, 809-811, Manubhai Tower, Sayajigunj, Vadodara

Canada Visa

Canada Super Visa

A Canada Super Visa is a boon to the parents or grandparents having their children or grandchildren in Canada and wanting to live with them. The candidate must fulfill all the Canada Super Visa requirements to enjoy their life in the country with their dear ones. It’s wise to keep track of the Canada Super Visa fees and the Super Visa Canada processing time. This visa is issued to those parents or grandparents who have their children or grandchildren as either Canadian Citizens or Permanent Residents. It allows them to stay in the country for up to 2 years at a time without any compulsion of renewing their status. The Canada Super Visa holders can leave and come again to the country when the visa is valid.

To be kept in Mind: From the 18th of June, 2018, there is an update in the guidance for Super Visa that every entry to the country needs to be for a period of up to 2 years and the extension should be for 1 year. Earlier, a Super Visa holder was usually granted entry for up to 2 years on the initial entry, and for a period of 6 months on their subsequent entry.

Although knowing about the visa and being eligible for this seems a pathway for Canada immigration, but it’s not the truth. It’s common that eligible candidates are rejected because they don’t complete and present their applications systematically. Apart from this, it’s hard for a common person to keep track of the updates regarding the Canada Super Visa that can also result in a rejection. So, you must keep yourself with an optimal immigration expert to get all your immigration process done in ways that increase your chances of getting the permanent residence (PR) in Canada.

Difference Between A Canada Super Visa and Multiple Entry Visa

This time, most Canada visitors may Visit for a period of 6 months when they first enter the country. Those who want stay longer need to apply for an extension with a new fee. If you have a Canada Super Visa, you can visit your family (children or grandchildren) in the country for 2 years without any compulsion to renew your status. Super Visas are multi-entry visas which make possible multiple entries for up to ten years. The main difference lies between them is that a Super Visa holder can stay in Canada for up to 2 years at a time, but a ten-year multiple entry visa holder has a status period for their every entry for only a six-month period.

Letter Of Invitation For Canada Super Visa

A letter of invitation is an integral part of the Canada Super Visa application. The application will be incomplete without it. This letter needs to be written by the host who is either invitee’s grandchild or child living in Canada.

Apart from this, the following necessary information about the invitee (grandparent or parent) must be mentioned in the letter:

  1. Full name
  2. Date of birth
  3. Full Address
  4. Telephone number
  5. The relationship between them and the host (grandchild or child)
  6. Why visiting Canada
  7. For how long the invitee will stay in the country
  8. The details of the place where the invitee will stay, and the way the candidate plans to finance purchases while staying in Canada
  9. The time when the invitee will leave Canada

Apart from the requirements mentioned above, some necessary information about the host is a must that is given below:

  1. Full name
  2. Date of birth
  3. Full address
  4. Telephone number
  5. Job title
  6. Status proof in Canada (permanent resident or citizen)
  7. Details of family, having names and dates of birth
  8. The number of people living in the house

The Super Visa letter of invitation must include the following necessary things:

  1. A firm promise with the signature of the host to provide financial support to the invitee
  2. Proof of the required minimum income

Canada Super Visa Requirements:

To be eligible for the Canada Super Visa, a parent or grandparent has to fulfill the following eligibility criteria:

  1. The applicant needs to have an invitation from their child or grandchild living in Canada as a citizen or permanent resident. The host is required to meet a minimum income requirement because they will bear the responsibility for their parent or grandparent in terms of financial support in the country.
  2. The candidate needs to go through and pass a medical test.
  3. Aspirants for the Canada Super Visa are required to a valid Canadian medical insurance for minimum 1 year. Apart from that, they need to prove that they have bought the private medical insurance coverage from an insurance provider in Canada.

The Insurance Policy Requirements

  1. It has to be valid for minimum 1 year.
  2. The policy must cover the hospitalization, health care, and repatriation.
  3. This policy has to provide at least the coverage of $100,000.
  4. The validity of this policy is a must for each entry to the country.
  5. Availability of the policy is important for a review by an officer at a Canadian port of entry.

Host Minimum Income Requirement

The host is the child or grandchild of the candidate who invites them to come to Canada needs to have an income criterion under the Canada Super Visa eligibility requirements. These income criteria are called the low-income cut-offs (LICO).

The size of the family unit includes the number of parents or grandparents to be sponsored. The required minimum income of the host according to the number of family members for being sponsored is given below:

Size of family unit Minimum necessary income (CAD)
1 person (the sponsor) $24,949
2 persons $31,061
3 persons $38,185
4 persons $46,362
5 persons $52,583
6 persons $59,304
7 persons $66,027
More than 7 persons, for each additional person, add $6,723

Super Visa Canada Processing Time

The Super Visa Canada processing time is between 4 and 6 months. Sometimes, the processing of an application is dependent on the way the application is presented and completed.

Canada Super Visa Fees

The Canada Super Visa fee for the application is 100 $ CAN for each person.

Benefits of Parent & Grandparent Super Visa

  1. The applicant has the opportunity to live, work and study in Canada.
  2. Further, the applicant can procure benefits from different Social security schemes.
  3. The applicant can also take advantage of Old Age Security Canada Pension Plan.

For availing more information about the Canada Super Visa for Canada immigration, call the corporate hotline +91-7042184185/email your queries on info@makevisas.com.

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Make Visas's immigration specialists are very humble and helpful. Without them, I would not be in Canada.
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